MARCH 2023
Wednesday Night is always Church Prayer night from 6pm to 7pm. Anyone can join in person or by calling in at 605-472-5814 conference ID 717-628-041#. This is followed by Bible study led by Paster KP and Youth Group led by Pastor Paul Hanson from 7pm to 8pm
The first Sunday of every Month is Communion Service with a Fellowship Luncheon after church. Please come enjoy and get better acquainted with your church family.
CHURCH TEXT MESSAGES: At Gateway, we communicate by text messages for events, announcements, and urgent prayer requests. To sign up for church texts, please see William Walling. His cell number is 770-289-7961
Family Movie Night – Friday, March 10 at 6:30pm. Candy, popcorn and drinks are provided. Come and enjoy this fun time with your church family. See Joy Hanson has more information.
Repairs of the Breach- The 2nd Tuesday of each month. Next Repairs will be on 3/14/23 at 5:15pm. We provide a meal for the needy folks in our own community. Volunteers are always needed to serve or supply food. Kelly Crews and Mary Dennis are heading up March’scommitment so please help if you can. The April date is 4/11.
Next LADIES FELLOWSHIP NIGHT is March 23rd at 6pm at Las Flores in Conyers – 957 S. Main St. It is a time of fun fellowship to get to know each other better. Please come and enjoy. The next one is in June.
Annie Armstrong is our next missions’ goal. Collections go to more than 2,400 North America missionaries. More information coming in April.
Ladies Bible Study: The War Room Bible study starts on March 26rd at 8:45am on Sunday morning. This is a 6-week study with a focus on the power of prayer. Please ask Ruth James or Kelly Crews for more information
Daylight Saving Times starts March 12th
Easter Sunday is April 29th
Posted: February 27, 2023 by William Walling
March updates
MARCH 2023
Wednesday Night is always Church Prayer night from 6pm to 7pm. Anyone can join in person or by calling in at 605-472-5814 conference ID 717-628-041#. This is followed by Bible study led by Paster KP and Youth Group led by Pastor Paul Hanson from 7pm to 8pm
The first Sunday of every Month is Communion Service with a Fellowship Luncheon after church. Please come enjoy and get better acquainted with your church family.
CHURCH TEXT MESSAGES: At Gateway, we communicate by text messages for events, announcements, and urgent prayer requests. To sign up for church texts, please see William Walling. His cell number is 770-289-7961
Family Movie Night – Friday, March 10 at 6:30pm. Candy, popcorn and drinks are provided. Come and enjoy this fun time with your church family. See Joy Hanson has more information.
Repairs of the Breach- The 2nd Tuesday of each month. Next Repairs will be on 3/14/23 at 5:15pm. We provide a meal for the needy folks in our own community. Volunteers are always needed to serve or supply food. Kelly Crews and Mary Dennis are heading up March’scommitment so please help if you can. The April date is 4/11.
Next LADIES FELLOWSHIP NIGHT is March 23rd at 6pm at Las Flores in Conyers – 957 S. Main St. It is a time of fun fellowship to get to know each other better. Please come and enjoy. The next one is in June.
Annie Armstrong is our next missions’ goal. Collections go to more than 2,400 North America missionaries. More information coming in April.
Ladies Bible Study: The War Room Bible study starts on March 26rd at 8:45am on Sunday morning. This is a 6-week study with a focus on the power of prayer. Please ask Ruth James or Kelly Crews for more information
Daylight Saving Times starts March 12th
Easter Sunday is April 29th
Category: Uncategorized